Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT) has announced a call for evidence as it continues its latest five yearly review of Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer. In the announcement, John Glenn,…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, has announced the launch of its forward looking strategy paper entitled, “Guaranteeing Great Britain: Managing Terrorism Risk & Building Resilience”. The launch coincides with…
Her Majesty’s Treasury has announced the launch of the latest five year review of Pool Re, with the objective of ensuring the good functioning of the UK’s terrorism (re)insurance market,…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, recently announced the launch of its scholarships for UK students undertaking the MSc in Counterterrorism, Risk Management and Resilience at Cranfield University. The scholarship…
Pool Re SOLUTIONS, a specialist division of Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, today launches its new monthly report designed to improve the awareness of the contemporary and future threat landscape. Providing…
A new report authored by Pool Re and Cranfield University’s Andrew Silke, Professor of Terrorism, Risk and Resilience, reveals how the COVID-19 pandemic is already having a significant impact on…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, has completed placement of its £2.4 billion retrocession programme with more than 50 international reinsurers, led by Munich Re with Hannover Re also providing…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, announces that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has completed a classification assessment of the mutual. The ONS has independently judged that Pool Re…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, today announced the appointment of Chris Medhurst-Cocksworth as Head of Risk Management within Pool Re Solutions. Medhurst-Cocksworth will lead the risk management services offered…
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, today confirmed a number of significant steps to help reduce costs and improve the accessibility of terrorism insurance for businesses in the UK. The…