Generation YOLO: Millennials and the changing workplace 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Generation YOLO: Millennials and the changing workplace

Looking around the insurance industry, it’s hard to believe that the global workforce is undergoing a period of momentous transformation. This is somewhat shielded by the grey suits, black ties and briefcases, but the truth…

British work culture and why America should try to replicate it 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

British work culture and why America should try to replicate it

As a new resident of London coming over from the good old USA, I can already say that I’ve noticed some major differences between the US and UK office culture and each country’s overall approach…

Back to Minneapolis 1920 1280 Michael Mattinson

Back to Minneapolis

I’ve been asked to write about Dry January. A request that displays a staggering lack of understanding of the horror of sitting out an entire month without a proper drink. Nothing much happens so there’s…