Football came home… and it was women who brought it 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Football came home… and it was women who brought it

Last month saw England make history. We finally won an international football competition after 56 years, and it was women who did it. What makes this all the more special is that every single one…

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

A child who reads will be an adult who thinks

Throughout 2022, the Children’s Literacy Charity is celebrating 30 years of its work to close the literacy gap and broaden horizons. Haggie Partners has supported the Children’s Literacy Charity for several years now. With communications…

Lloyd’s and its royal connections 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Lloyd’s and its royal connections

The recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations started me thinking about the connections between our Queen and other members of the royal family with another source of power, prestige, and stability in the UK – the Lloyd’s…

Damian Beeley reflects… An ode to change 1920 1280 Damian Beeley

Damian Beeley reflects… An ode to change

EC3 is not what it was And that is largely because Covid-19 Felt but not seen Wreaked havoc. Leadenhall Market held tight Joining us all in the fight But at what cost To this pandemic…

Working with anxiety 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Working with anxiety

In the office, many of my colleagues have noticed several strange affectations of mine. I struggle with eye contact, frequently apologise, and perhaps most curiously, often cover my face with my tie in a paradoxically…

Calorie counting at what cost? 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Calorie counting at what cost?

One of the most recent regulations the Government has introduced is ‘The Calorie Labelling (Out of Home Sector) (England) Regulations 2021.’ To you and me, that means putting calorie information on menus. This has been…

Face the Music – is ‘face reinsurance’ the next big thing? 1920 1280 Haggie Partners

Face the Music – is ‘face reinsurance’ the next big thing?

The slap was heard around the world, on 28 March 2022, as comedian Chris Rock was struck across the face by actor Will Smith during the Oscars awards ceremony after Rock insulted Smith’s wife’s alopecia.…

The Zelenskyy effect 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

The Zelenskyy effect

Until six months ago – quite probably until six weeks ago – it seems fair to say that very few people in the UK knew much about Ukraine. Those with relatives or friends would of…

An old ‘friend’ poses tough questions for the green lobby 1920 1280 Ben Abbotts

An old ‘friend’ poses tough questions for the green lobby

This weekend, Hugh Grant told Nigel Farage to ‘go **** yourself’. You may indeed be able to think of 100 reasons for this barb, but it was actually the actor’s response to a new political…

Things to read for those who don’t like reading 1920 1280 Olivia Thomson

Things to read for those who don’t like reading

Today is World Book Day, a day dedicated to the love of books and shared reading. Its mission is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a…

Two wheels good… 1920 1280 Caroline Klein

Two wheels good…

How are you commuting to the office these days – if you are?  When lockdown and other Covid19 restrictions eased last year and we started creeping back to the office, I began trying to cycle…

Why is branding so important for start-ups? 1920 1280 Gavin Warren

Why is branding so important for start-ups?

One of the biggest challenges for start-ups is to overcome a mindset which perceives that they don’t need to spend time and money on branding at the outset. Many new businesses understandably put all their…