Memo to all train commuters: an instructive harrumph

Memo to all train commuters: an instructive harrumph 1920 1280 Richard Adams

Schlepping into the city is a grind that the winter months do little to improve. Why train operators struggle to deliver on time is seemingly one of life’s great mysteries, caught out as they so often are by insurmountable challenges such as rain and leaves.

Commuting is an imposition, yet one with which we’ve all made our peace having found it a useful buffer between work and home. It can (when the train finally arrives and if you can find a seat) be a sanctuary from immediate demands and therefore a place of tranquillity. Watching the waking world blur by offers an opportunity for contemplation and a chance to get one’s head in the game for whatever lies ahead.

Generally, we grin and bear it together and there’s an unspoken code of mutual respect and civility. There is however, a less considerate minority that habitually blunder in their crimes against tranquillity. The following is a (not exhaustive) guide to help those unable to read the carriage to avoid the intolerable faux pas of travelling in oblivious self-absorption.

  • When listening to music, watching content or playing video games, wear headphones – they’re not difficult or expensive things to obtain. Inflicting unnecessary noise shows total disregard for the poor souls within earshot
  • Ditto listening to headphones loudly. To avoid imposing a wasp orchestra on the whole carriage and guaranteed tinnitus in later life, buy the expensive ones
  • While it’s admirable that people drag themselves off their sick beds to go to work, they’re not always cognisant (especially when wearing headphones) that they’re snivelling and rasping every three seconds. To avoid incredulous looks of disgust for this spectacular lack of self-awareness, please be mindful and carry tissues or a handkerchief. Always
  • Eating pungent food, especially takeaway. This is perfectly acceptable when the person in question has been deprived of food for three days or more. Under no circumstances is Red Bull at 7am ever acceptable
  • Man spreading, foot tapping and plastic water bottle crunching. Please. Just. No
  • Loud telephone / in-person conversations. Not allowing our enjoyment to be other people’s misery ought to be the commuters’ mantra. Be respectful: others may be trying to work, figure stuff out, pray or enjoy a moment’s calm before the storm

While not commuter related, this travel harrumph would be incomplete without special mention of the trespassing wazzocks of Stevenage. If the intention was to deprive countless children of saying goodnight to their parents, congratulations, you smashed it.

We all abide by professional standards and ethics at work and overwhelmingly that is reflected, with commuters generally a stoic and decent bunch. Some fine tuning would, however, be hugely appreciated, so please, let’s be considerate out there. Thank you.