The legacy of the Christmas tree

The legacy of the Christmas tree 1920 1280 Gavin Warren

On 5 December our office Christmas tree arrived: green and healthy with an infectious lease of festive life.

Our tree’s entrance brought excitement that Christmas was just around the corner. Albeit a little compact and lacking impact, we loved it nonetheless.

Our tree stood with pride in the centre of the office, beautifully decorated and undertaking its duties with majesty. It brought a smile to our faces and hosted a festive partner or two.

As December progressed our tree dropped its pine needles in what seemed a bucket-size amount every hour. Undeterred it radiated a festive cheer and encouraged its spectators to eat too many mince pies and devour multiple tins of chocolates. Our tree even made us visit Leadenhall Market’s mulled wine stand and have plenty of client lunches.

I suspect the tree held no guilt with its influencing skills.

Four weeks later, our tree comes to the end of its contract. With a handful of pine needles remaining it still stands in the office attempting to radiate the last bits of festive cheer. A collection of twigs surrounded by a carpet circle of pine needles. It is hanging on to every bit of enthusiasm.

Our tree did its job well but now it is time to consign Christmas 2023 to the memory bank and focus on 2024.

One highlight of sitting down in early January and looking at the whole year ahead is the opportunity and motivation to focus on YOU. A whole 12 months of possibilities. Is it time to think about healthy living (not dieting!) or book that bucket list holiday? Or quite simply think of one thing you want more than anything else to achieve this year. A career with Haggie Partners maybe…?

2024 is YOUR year! Pop one thing in that nice new diary that you want to be successful with this year. Keep it simple. Keep it achievable.